Me (v. 2.0) or "For Whom Owen Tolls"


(It tolls for Jhee)

Vital Stats:

Name: Owen C. Lei
Age: 21
Height: 5'9"
Majors: Psychology and Biology
Career Aspirations: Some form of journalist
Turn-ons: Wit, Laughter, Eyes, and Food
: Not sure, yet.
How much do I bench? Only if you email me.

      I found God at Northwestern. All you atheists or whatever out there, I found Him. He doesn't live only here though, He's everywhere.

     But let me rephrase. God found me.

     I used to not believe in this stuff. The Bible is an elaborate didactic fairy tale, I said. People can't rise from the dead. What happens after we die? Pshaw, I dunno, we become dust, and recycle ourselves in a never ending protein cycle, I theorized. Whatever.

     But He found me. And held on tight. I can't explain when or how or why, but suddenly I realized the implications of what He has done. How my life is taking a path I never would have wanted, and how I'm really no longer in control, as much as I try to be.

     Believe me, I fought. And I still do. But it's the coincidence after coincidence... It's prayer after prayer being answered... and these aren't like "pansy" prayers, like "God, please let this happen, but if it doesn't, it's okay, I'll understand, do whatever you want." It's the earnest, humble, and listening prayers that were answered. The ones that weren't selfish, and the ones that led to where I am today.

     Call me crazy. Many people do. Grace, a freshman friend of mine, pointed out that my friend Mark has several pictures of me, and in every single one I'm doing a different facial expression. I think that's interesting. Am I unpredictable, or just an ADD patient that got away?

     I am Owen. I am Christian. I am male. I am Chinese-American. I was going to be a doctor. Now I am going to be a journalist. I love writing, and web-design.

     I used to want to make a name for myself. I don't know anymore. All I know is that I was blind, and now I see. All I know is that He healed me. I sit here today, and I say that I believe in Him, and I know that whatever happens in my life is going to happen for Him, whether I may like it or not. And He also knows that whether I initially like it or not, I eventually will. What a kooky God.

     However, I'm still going to work hard. That's my goal. Whatever I end up doing, I want to do it well. The world is a crazy place in which to live, but it's our world... eek, now I'm sounding like a freakin' inspirational plaque.

     Who am I? Neither 24601 nor Javert, neither Ricky nor Lucy, neither Coca-Cola nor Pepsi... I want to be the Wizard of Oz, the man behind the curtain, receiving credit for what I do, but not actively doing things just to gain that credit.

     I'm tired, but I'd like to rewrite this to something cooler. Night for now.